jueves, 4 de junio de 2015

Pasos a seguir para el ensamble de una computadora

1-Workspace: The place of assembly can be a large table, not metal (to prevent electrical shock to the delicados.lo
2. Install the processor: the main card is taken and is prepared to insert componentesque go directly into it. The side supports are fixed to the card base, placing brochesen position.
3. Installing RAM: The slats are inserted in DIMM RAM banks and insurance are set with laterales.El number of slots can vary by manufacturer and model of the main board. In this case, the tienetres this card inserting slots and only 64MB DIMM.
4. Set the main board of cabinet: The main board has perforations that match unospequeños posts subject to cabinet, it connects the card matching the fijancon perdoraciones and screws.
5. Installation of the video card: Installing cards in expansion slots, is always done dela same way: first inserted to find the correct position and then press hard on them. Lastarjetas video can be type ISA, PCI or AGP.
6. Installation of the audio card: audio cards can be type ISA or PCI. After identifying the correct fileType, the slot is located and the same procedure is performed video card.
7. Install the Modem Card: Also these cards can be ISA or PCI, to insert, the same procedure is performed as in the previous cases
8. Placing the floppy: To install this device known as drive or floppy disk, the cover is usually found in front, in the middle of the cabinet is removed. elconducto the rectangular unit is inserted to match the input drive screws with the holes in the chassis, for the tornillos.

9.- Placement fijarmediante Hard Drive: This data storage device is placed on the inside of the cabinet, within the corresponding bay. It is matched holes and secured with screws.
10. Placing the reader Compact Disc:
11. Connecting the power cables: When all devices and fixed cards in the cabinet, proceed aconectar power cables electric power, so they can operate. Power source comes a groupof cables with a wireless terminal 20 that can be attached to soquet located on the main board.
12. Connection of the data cables: Storage Devices information on floppy disks, require two types of cables; the electrical power and data. Data cables are flat, usually 34 threads, gray with thread 1 marked red. An end to the controller located on the main board by matching the red wire with pin 1 indicated in the base plate is connected.
13. Connecting the pilot lights (LEDs): In front of the cabinet are two small flares llamadasleds, indicating when the computer is turned on and the hard drive is in use. These signals aunos pins located on the main board, using two-wire cables have a connector connecting bridge.
14. Connect the power switch and reset button: To end the connection, connect loscables to the interrupt and reset buttons. The first allows on and off the computer; the segundoreinicia the system when it has been "frozen" because of an error in some applications. Is the equivalent apulsar together [Ctrl + Alt + Delete] keys.
15. Closed Cabinet: Once all the internal components of the computer are in correctasy well connected position, a final inspection is made and the wires are arranged to prevent them from being bent or presionadoscon the enclosure cover.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi students! It looks like you didn't read it! you have a lot of words in Spanish and joined. Be careful on that!
    Have a good weekend!
